Photographs lying on top of a map at The Oceanside Hotel

Why should you take a nostalgia trip?


There's something about summer vacations that make many people a bit more introspective and nostalgic. Maybe it's the extra-long days, the perpetual sunshine, or the distinctly relaxed pace of life that makes us feel more carefree — more child-like. Whatever "it" is, summer has a way of making us reflect on the trips of our childhood, those trips that deeply impacted us and shaped us in some way.

This summer why not embrace that nostalgia and take a very literal "trip" down memory lane? A nostalgia trip! By tapping into those nostalgic feelings, you can visit some of the same places you did as a child and rediscover a whole new love for them.

Hat, photographs and sunglasses

Why should you take a nostalgia trip?

If you've been racking your brain trying to come up with summer vacation ideas or fun places to go in the summer, you can stop the search. A nostalgia trip will be fun for the entire family, plus there's strong evidence that it actually has some health and wellness benefits!

Visiting somewhere from your past with positive memories is proven to be good for you.

The brain releases "happy hormones" such as oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin into the body when you engage in activities you enjoy. In the case of a nostalgia trip, something even more fascinating happens. According to Florida psychologist Dr. Wendy Nickerson, "The unconscious mind does not know the difference between the present and the past." That means you get double the benefit from taking nostalgia trips as summer vacations, experiencing both the same original happy hormones again and those associated with enjoying a new experience.

Beyond the boost of happy hormones, taking a nostalgia trip can actually help people feel less anxious and more optimistic. Nostalgia is closely linked to restoration and feelings of inner calm, helping people cope with negative events and emotions. And of course, this all has an even bigger positive domino effect: more feelings of happiness and peace lead to better mental and physical health overall.

Sharing personal memories with your family and creating new ones together is a wonderful way to connect.

We live in a fast-paced world, and families increasingly have less and less time to simply be together. A nostalgia trip is the perfect setting to slow down, (literally) unplug, and focus on one another. Share specific things with your family that you love about the destination — was it a certain attraction in a national park you first fell in love with, a hike, a scenic drive, or even a dish at a restaurant? Your family will love sharing these things with you years later, but don't forget to make new memories, too. Visit a new section of the park, break a new trail, take a spontaneous turn off the road, and order a couple of new things off the menu.

Sometimes going somewhere familiar is all the escape we need.

People often talk about "escaping" the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life, but that doesn't necessarily have to mean going somewhere exotic. On the contrary, getting away to somewhere that's not only familiar but also associated with positive memories can provide a fantastic and much-needed escape.

Nostalgia trips allow you to experience a place again, but in a different way with different people.

As we touched on earlier, one of the best parts of taking a nostalgia trip is the opportunity to make new memories in a place that already holds special meaning. Bringing your loved ones to some of your favorite places to visit in the summer will bring out feelings of nostalgia, but it will also help you experience those destinations with a fresh perspective. What's more, there is no limit to how this works — you could bring your children to one of your favorite childhood places, then bring some friends there years later and have two completely different, yet still nostalgic, experiences.

As we come out of the global pandemic, nostalgia trips can help you get in touch with how things used to be.

To put it mildly, the COVID-19 pandemic turned the world upside down and complicated just about every aspect of daily life. That largely remains true, even as the situation improves across the world. Many people are feeling nostalgic for the way things were pre-pandemic, whether that was a couple of decades ago or just a few years ago. Now is a wonderful time to recreate some of those memories!

Photograph of ferris wheel

Types of nostalgia trips for summer

If you're considering taking a nostalgia trip as one of your summer getaways this year, start by thinking about some of your favorite trips from years past. Imagine yourself in those destinations and consider whether you'd enjoy experiencing them again. If the answer is yes, the next step is thinking about how you'd like to experience them again. To help plan this out, ask yourself the following questions.

  • Would you like to see that place in another season? If it was one of your favorite places to go in the summer, maybe you'll also love it in the winter months (and for totally different reasons!).
  • Do you want to share it with your partner, children, or a friend? Or alternatively, if you previously visited with your family, maybe you'd actually prefer to experience it solo.
  • Can it become part of a larger trip where you also visit other (possibly new) destinations?

Whether you have a clear idea of how and where to plan a nostalgia trip or you're still unsure, here are a few ideas to put the plan in motion.

  • Hit the road. Many nostalgic trip memories center around road trips, so pick a favorite destination and hop in the car for a getaway.
  • Consider a day trip. Your ideal nostalgia trip could very well be where you live — just think outside the box a bit. Spend a day rediscovering your own backyard (or city!).
  • Embrace your inner foodie. So much of nostalgia, and happy memories in general, revolves around food. Try planning your entire itinerary around food, such as visiting favorite restaurants from your childhood.

Ready to hit the road and relive some of your favorite memories, while also enjoying new experiences? Coast Hotels has 35 properties across western Canada and the United States, making it the ideal hotel basecamp for your summer nostalgia trip. However you choose to plan yours out, enjoy it and travel safe!